Shown below are many of my photos of The Great Quarry. More can be seen HERE.
Back to Avon Gorge GeologyThe Great Quarry. A panorama photographed from the other bank of the AvonThe Great Quarry with the BGS interpretation of the geology superimposed by me. The Survey have the thrust continuing behind the trees. This shown in another photograph below. Richard Arthur has looked at this quarry. As he is not a climber, and hammering is not permitted he could not confirm many of the details shown. Debris on the quarry floor confirms the presence of pisolite. No fluorite was observed. It should be noted that Fig. 8 of the memoir shows the pisolite as being above the oolite.Another panorama of The Great Quarry, taken from the crest of the gorge on the other side of the Avon.Another panorama of The Great Quarry, taken from the crest of the gorge on the other side of the Avon, with the BGS interpretation of the geology superimposed by me. With this photo I have indicated the length of the thrust and its bifurcation. The spot from which this panorama was taken does not allow me to show the southern end of the quarry and the Hotwells Limestone.This is a portion of the previous panorama with Richard Arthur’s interpretation of the geology. Note the shortness of his thrust plane. To the right it is indistinguishable from a bedding plane.A closer look at the thrust fault.The previous photo unencumbered by annotations.Richard Arthur’s photograph of the thrust and associated geologyA panorama of the northern portion of the Great Quarry. Taken with a 400mm lens and showing greater detail. Click on the photo to be taken to a downloadable version so that you can zoom into the detail.A panorama of the northern portion of the Great Quarry, centred on the thrust. Taken with a 400mm lens and showing greater detail. The next photo is this photo annotated.This photograph and the preceding one illustrate the difficulty of deciding when a thrust plane becomes a bedding plane and vice versa. Another panorama of The Great QuarryThe Hotwells Limestone on the southern end of The Great quarry, photographed from the crest of the gorge, across the Avon.The northern end of The Great Quarry from the crest of the gorge, across the Avon.The central part of The Great Quarry from the crest of the gorge, across the Avon.The southern end of The Great Quarry from the crest of the gorge, across the Avon.Back to Avon Gorge Geology